What’s New

improving student learning in partnership with research towards large-scale change

people in a cog

Professional Learning that Matters

When you think about professional development in education it is reasonable to picture what most of us have experienced; full day workshops of “sit and get” and a “hope” that what was communicated in five hours will somehow miraculously change our practice. Or perhaps it is the “Wild West” professional learning approach, where one struts…
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Our Team @ Aurora Institute

Personalized Learning with Matt and Courtney from interview Kathy White of Souhegan High School, Ann Hadwen of Exeter Regional Cooperative School District, and Ellen Hume-Howard of the New Hampshire Learning Initiative about their research of work habits and how to assess and score them. Listen to the podcast at their site.

students in Souhegan

How School Districts in New Hampshire are Bringing Essential Skills to their Students

School districts across New Hampshire are working to embed essential skills like self-direction, communication, collaboration and creativity into their classrooms.  Improving kids learning means getting the tools, resources and rationales to teachers.  Building Essential Skills Today (BEST) for the Future is an effort to elevate the teaching and assessment of essential skills in our schools.  Check out the…
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Introducing BEST for the Future

Building Essential Skills Today (BEST) for the Future is an effort to elevate the teaching and assessment of essential skills in our schools. BEST is working to shift how students learn and demonstrate essential skills like communication, collaboration, creativity, and self-direction (aka Work Study Practices or deeper learning skills). This research practice partnership is realizing…
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Hello from New Hampshire!

In November 2018, three dozen teachers from over 10 districts gathered at Souhegan High School in Amherst, NH to start the process of creating new social studies performance tasks that they would implement and assess in classrooms during the 2018-2019 school year. Not only would they design performance tasks to address key content knowledge, they…
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