Category: Voices from the Field

improving student learning in partnership with research towards large-scale change

Silver Linings: Observations of Self-Directed Behavior in an Online Environment

There has always been a clear recognition of the importance of the critical competencies of communication, collaboration, creativity, and self-direction for success in the “real world” by teachers, parents, community members, and local business leaders. The “why” has never really been a question. However, providing opportunities for application of these skills in real-world situations that…
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Essential Skills Shining during a Critical Time

Our practice partners in New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Learning Initiative along with Motivis Learning, have been talking to teachers and system leaders about the lessons they are learning as they deal with the Coronavirus. Essential skills (aka Work Study Practices) are being put to the test as are student-centered learning, competency-based learning and teacher…
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Our Team @ Aurora Institute

Personalized Learning with Matt and Courtney from interview Kathy White of Souhegan High School, Ann Hadwen of Exeter Regional Cooperative School District, and Ellen Hume-Howard of the New Hampshire Learning Initiative about their research of work habits and how to assess and score them. Listen to the podcast at their site.